Thursday, September 21, 2023

New Beginnings

Each time a new child is born into the family, it's like a new beginning. A new beginning in which we cannot remember what life was like before the child. We are so excited to be welcoming a third baby into our family in the new year. What an exciting moment it'll be to hold new sweet beginnings in our hands.

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas Eve

 Becoming a mom, Christmas has different significance. Maybe it’s because it’s the first time that I can celebrate the holiday through the eyes of my children. As Mary celebrated the birth of her son and the world celebrated the birth of a savior, we too enjoy as our children celebrate the excitement of this season. 

Our son always says that we celebrate Christmas because Jesus got gifts from the wise men. :) 

Monday, December 19, 2022

Simple Snow

 The simple snow scattered on the ground 

Reminds us of the great love of our Savior 

As the snow lay on the once frozen barren ground 

Now is covered with warmth and soft glistening flakes.

The sun as it rises in the morning 

Shines on the snow

Changing the tint of the snow 

Hues of pink orange and back to white 

All Gods miracles within one morning 

Within a few moments- beauty appears 

And so it is with our Heavenly Father 

Though your day may be barren and cold 

Though your heart may be soldered together 

With nothing to break the bonds apart 

Within a few moments, the love of our Father 

From above, warms, pulls apart, makes the hues 

Of our heart shine again 

And we have a new life 

A new hope

A new 


Thursday, December 8, 2022

God & Family

 Sometimes it’s hard to determine what the most important actions are to be. Deciding between God, family, work and other obligations. Yet, in the long term, I feel that if we look ahead, sometimes it’s easier to see the importance. It’s hard to let people down and it feels like a judge against your character, but as they say you can’t make everyone happy. Serving your family is a part of Gods plan, and sadly with our modern day culture, things have become so blurred with cultural roles and expectations to decide what is truly an obligation. For many women, they fight constantly with the battle between work and children. This isn’t naturally the case for many men, who often see themselves working, yet for women, it seems to be a battle. Now don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of women who work and do it well and are highly needed in our society… nurses doctors teachers and the like yet there is an inward battle of priorities with people constantly feeling like they are drowning in family life and work. For each family is different and they determine their course of action for themselves. 

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Turning a Leaf

Today, I'm feeling very hopeful, like I'm in the midst of a turning point! I'm excited for the future, and I'm very happy. I know that God has some great things coming up here in the future... and I think the reason I'm so happy right now is because I finally realized in my life, that life is NOT ABOUT ME!!! :) And that fact alone, makes me very happy...  because when you look around you, there is a world full of people, that are all so unique and precious to God. :) And being a part of this world, as a child of God, I am excited... and I know that God has some good plans written down in His book, and they are more than I can even imagine. 

So, thank you God for all your blessings! <3 

My Spring Garden 
I planted in on Friday! 

Wednesday, April 18, 2018


Reach for the Stars :) 
If you don't reach heaven, maybe you'll reach an orphanage. :) 

Myanmar Feb. 2018 

Monday, November 13, 2017


Tonight, we had McTeacher's Night at McDonalds. It was a very fun night. It really makes you grateful for your job, but it also shows you the opportunities that are hidden in every job. For example, in a drive through window, you are able to touch so many lives in small ways, and get to know the personal lives of so many people! It's so amazing what a simple few minutes of conversation can do in a person's life! :)

Sunday, October 22, 2017

7 Months Ago

Seven months ago today, I wrote the post "Tales of a Noble Friend" about our dearest friend Lester who died and went to heaven. I often struggle dealing with the reality of the situation at the time, and I couldn't even mention his name in the post before as I was still so saddened by the whole event. I looked at my blog and I couldn't believe that I haven't even written since he last passed away. Usually, I only feel inspired to publicly write about something when something major and significant has happened in my life. Lester was a goodly man, and at the age of 96, a couple days from his 97 birthday he passed away. Most people think 96 is a large age, but to someone that you dearly love, it never seems like enough time. That is why heaven is a reality and such a blessing to those who believe in it and the truth of Jesus. I do believe that, so I do have hope beyond this earth. Another friend of ours, Ruth, also passed away just a couple weeks ago from cancer. As shocking as it always is to hear that someone died, I'm glad that she's out of her pain here on this earth. She had cancer in her throat and lungs and it was making it hard for her to breathe. I know why we eventually are all ready to die, usually it's the pain of this earth that weighs so heavily on us, that we are ready. Well, God has each of our days properly planned out and despite the pain we may be going through in our moments, he has a higher purpose for each of our lives. :) 

Honestly, I have goals in my life several goals, not goals but I would say passions and callings. I haven't seen them yet, come to fruition but I believe that God in his perfect timing will see me through. I wish I could see the future, and see the happily ever after, but sometimes we aren't allowed to see that until it happens. :)

Friday, March 17, 2017

Tales of a Noble Friend

A man of integrity
A man of courage
A man for justice
A man of noble character

He went to meet the Lord today-

How I miss him, dearly dearly.

Monday, March 6, 2017


Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2

Today, I got my second baby tooth extracted. Whenever there is an experience that seems "painful" or trying to go through, there is something about the relief and joy you receive when it's over. The strength and courage that you receive and the joy of something new fills inside your soul. When I think of my dentist experience, I think of Jesus who had gone through such a terrible death for us but how excited he must have been when he defeated death and rose again. How excited he must have been to appear to the disciples again! How excited he must have been to be with those that he loved and show them the path of life. :) Thank you Jesus for loving us so much!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Just a Gallon

One gallon.

Have you ever thought about how much that is?

Maybe you think of a gallon of milk.
Maybe you think of a gallon of gas.
Maybe you think of a gallon of coffee (I WISH!).

Whatever you think of- a gallon is a gallon.

When I think of a gallon-
I think of a toilet. 

-waiting for the odd looks and blank stares-

You see, when I think of a gallon, I think of pouring a gallon of water down the toilet everytime I flush. 

-so she's one of those people an "environmentalist type"

No, not really.

You see, when I think of a gallon- and a toilet- I literally have to pour the water down the toilet- 1 gallon of water- everytime I use the bathroom.

-what's wrong with her?- 

Well- our bathroom is under reconstruction you see and our toilet- in the basement- isn't hooked up to a waterline.


Yeah- so when I think of a gallon- I think of hard work- I think of the amount of waste going into the toilet- not just the "waste" but the water waste- and most of all- I think of filling up a gallon of water and pouring it down every single time I have to use the bathroom.

So, you see, it's a natural conservatory effort- I conserve the water and the difficulty of getting water- conserves me.

A gallon.

What do you think of when you think of a gallon? 


Thursday, January 19, 2017

A note on guilt

Like a looming cloud ov'r my head
You loom over me
Like a quiet whisper in my ear
Leading me astray

What is this voice and calling
That replays mistakes
The demon inside

Like an angry man
On a cold winter's day
With his gruff hat
and his fake toupee

Calloused and rigid
The words you speak
Ring into my head

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Nothing New Under The Sun

     Today has been one of those thoughtful days to remember what Ecclesiastes teaches us about "There is nothing new under the sun". As I was checking in at the urgent care office to receive an appointment with a doctor for my sinus infection- a woman came in with a towel over one eye. She had put in the ClearCare contact solution in her eye and it burned. I was able to console her about the time I had done that and could relate with her pain that it felt so terrible. It made me realize that though it may be the first time for us, many before have gone through the same emotion, pain, etc;. It's a good reminder to use our experiences and our words for the good- thanks to God he gives us the beautiful gift of words. Let's all remember to use them wisely- for the good.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Can I Not Dream?

Can I just have a moment to stop and dream? 
------Is it too much to ask?

Can I not dream of the streets of gold that I'll walk on- 
or the pearly gates whispering "welcome home"?

Can I not stop and dream about the city of protection- with walls 2.7 times as thick as the walls of the ancient Babylon?

Can I not close my eyes as I look upon the thousands of gemstones covering my city? 

Can I not stop and dip my foot into the river of life as I sit underneath the covering of a delectable fruit tree?

Can I not dream now--
that which will one day be my home? 

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Looking back on my blog posts, I see my constant battle with "change" and the unknowing that seems to be an area of struggle in my life. In a way, it is a good thing- but often times I have to just trust God and battle through the storm together with Him. I'm starting to think I just need to see life from God's perspective since He is never changing and always the same. If I start to see my life as a written script held from eternity, maybe I would be able to feel more peace.

I'm Ready

I'm ready for you God to work your will here on earth as it is in heaven. 
Lord, I admit, I'm not perfect. I have weaknesses. Work in my weaknesses. 
Help me to become an overcomer through your name. 
Is it mandatory to feel the pain that we must experience here? 
Please fill my life with your presence and your blessing. 
Help me to do your will.
Help me to have the right mind. 
I trust you.
I honor you God.
Who else can I go to?
God, lead me; guide me; strengthen me.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Life is What you Search For

Image result for google search bar
As I was about to go back to the daily grind of searching for jobs, this phrase came into my mind "Life is what you search for". I really thought about that and my mind has become a continuous stand of string cheese thinking about this idea. You see, when you think about searching on the internet, the things that you search for are things that are a part of your thought process. If I am searching for middle eastern chicken recipes, I'm thinking about making middle eastern food- I'm also thinking about do I have the ability to make this dish? Depending on the result of my confidence and supplies on hand, I make a decision. This is the same with pretty much everything in life. Most of the time, we are stuck searching for the same thing over and over again because that's what we know- we are comfortable with it and confident that is what we want to do. All of the other options out there seem questionable or unrelated to our interest or our long term goals- but is that 100% true? Do we have to stick with that one thing that has been predestined in our brain to become? Do we have to become that? 
---I'd venture to say not necessarily--- 

but then again, it takes many circumstances to change your thinking and who you are. It depends on the people you surround yourself with and the things you allow into your mind to shape who you are. 

So the next time you type something into the search bar, stop and reflect how this search is shaping you, your life, and those around you. 

Monday, July 18, 2016

What do you want?

This was a great inspiring message from our Young Adults Pastor at church. This quote that is shown above really hit home for me. The majority of people spend their lives following the written path of life that is before them. They think that because this is what their friends are doing, their family is doing, or society as a whole is doing- that this must be the way for them; however as shown by many great examples of history in our global world- it is true that the people who do the unexpected, the extraordinary, life-changing history makers- don't stick in the same spawn stream they were born into- they make their own path- they go a different way. 
Now there is a way- that looks good- but the end thereof is death. 
As stated by this verse from the Bible: 
There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death. (Proverbs 14:12)
That is why- it is extremely important that we ground our ways and our steps in the word of God. If we walk completely alone- with no guidance at all- of course we will fail. 
However; this post isn't about failing or succeeding- it's about living our life in a way that God has called us to-
We all have a different part and role to play in the body of Christ- God's will for each of us is to love Him and serve Him and do the same to others- but the way we do that is going to be found differently in each one of our lives. God has created us each unique and individual. 

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. (Psalm 139:13-14)

The way we live out our calling is to use our gifts and personality that God has given us as a uniquely special gift and share the love of Christ through ourselves and through what He has called us to do. 

I believe that deep inside - everyone has a great dream- and a great potential- 
yet- somehow we lose sight of our dreams because of our following and our "don't want to rock the boat" syndrome. I pray that with God's help- we as uniquely special creatures made by the Lord our God- will help us reach each dream and desire for His kingdom.