Monday, April 28, 2014

Pictures to Explain the events of late

 Here I've just attached some pictures of the people that I've been spending some time with lately. :)

This is Tyler and I- we have pretty purple flowers in our hair! We went for a nice long trek through the woods and later met up with our friend Nick. :)

Here is Nick and Tyler- Nick met us on his bike. Tyler carried around that stick for about two or three hours on our little trekking through the woods. I admire his persistence. hehe. The next day after this day, Nick took me mountain biking on some cool trails! It was really fun. I only fell once when I got stuck in the mud and my bike tipped over and I fell into some thorn bushes. Of course. :) It was really great though! I've never been biking through the woods before this time. I really enjoyed it!

This picture is my art supplies I used to make my bowl for ladies night out with our college group at church. I wanted to put the stencils on my bowl.. but it just didn't turn out. So, my bowl just turned out to be green and brown. I have to pick it up this Friday. The bowl is cool; it's designed to hold chopsticks.

This is a picture of Nick and Tyler.. we made up this cool game of jousting on this tree branch. I even won a few times! I have lots of scratches on my arm from this day, but it was worth it! Got a nice sunburn too!

This is me and my friend Sophie at the "Coffee Pot"! We like to meet here for breakfast, but usually breakfast consists of about 7 or 8 cups of coffee.. and a major headache the next day! Haha, but Sophie is a really fun girl and I'm excited that I've gotten some time to hang out with her and get to know her a little bit better. 

This is two girls from my middle school/high school group at my church. I see them every Wednesday evening. :)

This is Mishelle and her sister and dad.. I thought this was the most precious, coolest moment ever. :) Love it.

This was on our trekking adventure.  I really like the tree branches.. they were so spaced out and awesome.

I took this picture on the same day I got my sunburn.. it was such a beautiful day out! This view is pretty on picture, but it was surreal in real life. I couldn't believe how pretty it was! I thought I was walking through a movie landscape or something!

Tyler and I messing around with a puzzle. We were waiting to play chess and these two little boys were hogging the table that had the chess board on it. We finally got the table- and the little boy actually came over and helped me with strategy! Haha! So funny! I put a checkers cap on one of the rooks- and the boy came over and asked, "I just have one question, what is that for?" And I told him, it was for protection.. and then I demonstrated that when another piece comes over to take over another piece- he has to knock off his cap first, and then he can take out the piece! Haha! He said, "Oh! That makes sense!" :D!!! 

Here's a segment of the puzzle I put together, woohoo!! :) 

Anywho! I just wanted to share some pictures and I hope you are having a fantastic entry to Spring!! Love Courtney

Thursday, April 24, 2014

You Gotta Wonder..

You got to wonder... 

Have you ever had that gut feeling about something.. you swear it's true.. and then in fact it turns out to be true? Or maybe you generalize things and people.. and it just seems to always come to pass. "I knew that would happen!", you say in your head? 

For some reason, I think we have sensory systems that are so powerful that our body picks up but that we don't have the knowledge to prove is true.

For example, the shady guy at the gas station.. you just have a feeling that he's shady, not because of what he is wearing or what he looks like (he might even be dressed in a nice suit), but the vibe he gives off just is pulling at you to "beware"? 

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. 

But not just that.. 

I'm talking about the reason why I talked to my current boyfriend was because he was sitting in the same posture that I was- and I thought to myself I am sure that I will like that person because he is sitting like me. Well, I sure turned out to like him fine.

Do the foods we consume, the way we sit and stand, the way we are quiet or loud resonate something interesting about us as a person- maybe deeper than words can express? I would like to say they do. 

For example, the waiter at a local restaurant said they just had a feeling I would come in yesterday to their restaurant, and I so happened to come in- and please note that was my second time coming in my life.

One time, I had a dream that someone really liked me though they never told me, a couple days later, I received a text message from them telling me their thoughts about me. *Weird*

So what is it then that causes us to pick up these signals? Is it God? Is it subconscious sensory? Is it a sense of already knowing the unknown? Is it anticipation of what you want to happen (I don't think so)? But we can reason that way for the point of reasoning. 

I know all things are orchestrated by God, but what about the unbelievers feelings coming true? Well, I would tend to think God must have created us with some bodily sensors and functions that we just can't understand... or knowledge He provides with us... just like the beating of our hearts... :)

I'd be interested in anyone's comments or experiences with this theory.


Monday, April 7, 2014

Traffic Jam

Jammed packed days I say. Some days seem to just be filled with lots of to do. I really don't mind it, but in the end I think I end up doing more running around- and I forget to sit down, relax, and more importantly study. Now, this semester is quite unique in the fact that I only technically am taking 2 credits. However, I'm still trying to understand how 2 credits = 15 hours of tutoring per week, but assuming since I only have my Associate degree, I probably need to wait until I'm at least a Bachelor to figure that out. ;) *Tehe*

Today, I spent my day driving three hours to pick up my little cousin and bring him home. It was a pleasant morning, and I enjoyed the time we could spend together. We stopped at Caribou to get some coffee, that of which I feel was a blessing. I went to the InterVarsity group immediately after I got home- and then off to teaching, and talking with a newly found friend, working out with Tyler, and playing "21" in basketball with seven beautiful strangers. When I got home, I went out to coffee with my mother and ate some dinner. 

My whole day was spent rushing about. In fact, lately, my days have been spent rushing about. Now, I don't regret one moment of my days, however I do regret the fact that I haven't taken time to study. I really enjoy learning and life just isn't quite the same without taking those moments to spend in solitude to learn something new. I'm still learning when I'm going about my day, but the things I'm learning are more about people rather than about factual knowledge. It's interesting I suppose, but on a different spectrum of knowledge. 

So, here I am, as the day is reaching its' very latter times, and I am compelled to study. I'm unaware of the things I need to study because it's been so long since I looked at my syllabus. I'm concerned I suppose in a very small way about next semester. Yet, now very concerned, but yet more appropriately put I am in a state of wonder, wonder of what it will be like with a full credit schedule. I've done many full credit schedules in the past, but it just seems that this semester has been so full of things to do and yet I've only had 2 measly credits. I'm not quite sure how that all works out.

I'm happy nonetheless, please don't mistake my ramblings for any type of complaint. I suppose I'm just curious, curious of the future. Yet, living in the present. However, the future will be the present once I get there so I really have no room for concern. :) 

God has made everything good in His timing- He will bring to pass that which He has planned. 

As for now, I will think on those things such as: 
"Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." Philippians 4:8

p.s. urban word I learned today: Knock Out- Means to shoot the basketball