Wednesday, November 5, 2014

You Gotta- A Quick Write of My Thoughts by Courtney Dunn (Poem-ish Format)

If you feel sorry for me I won’t get better
Don’t egg on my pride
Tell me I can do it
But don’t let me go

If by helping, you are hurting
You gotta let go.
You aint gonna learn how to walk
By someone feeling sorry for you

You aint going to learn how to talk
By someone feeling sorry for you
You’re gonna learn by someone encouraging you
To do better than you are doing
To step it up and notch; to be bold; not passive

Tell the world what you’ve been wanting to tell for so long
If by hurting you are helping
It’s better than helping just to hurt
Be straight-forward honest
People need to know

No more sliding alongside barriers to cover you face
You think things going to change
I’ll tell you they won’t

What we need is reformers
People who aren’t afraid of the truth
If it aint you, then who you expecting
I may be expecting you.
Just take a stand for once
Do what’s right

People are always taking stands to excuse their own actions and others
Maybe you are taking a stand for the wrong side
Take a stand for justice, take a stand for me, for you

You want what’s right, then you gotta do it too.