Monday, August 3, 2015

From Spring to Summer

In the Spring, I got a new computer. A desktop in fact- please see the computer box on the bed, haha. I loved it so much because it had been so long since I ever had in my procession.. a desk top.. computer. :)
In the Spring, I finished up my long hours of student teaching... and looked forward to finishing the classes that seemed as if they were never going to end.

And NOW... it's summer outside!!! I took this picture today- and as you can see my skin has changed shade since the Spring- not because I'm a hard laborer in the yard (as I wish I could say) but from the leisure days in the pool- sometimes spent doing work of "reading".
I only have... 4 more days left of summer school and ONE more big paper to write for the summer (12 pages...)! And then I'll be all done.... for the summer.

Here's a picture that I water-colored as part of my K-2 Literacy class. We were learning how we should use the same template.. and then the students can fill in the blanks. Here are some of my classmates works of art...

So- you get the idea. These templates make students basically... brilliant without even knowing it. Best of all- you can make a really cool book- or something interesting out of it.

This school semester is going to be the busiest I've ever experienced before (as far as school work). I'm taking ten classes (25 credits) and I got elected as the Vice President of one of Christian organizations on campus- so all the work that entails will surely increase the amount of time spent on task. Besides that, I also need to spend 120 hours teaching in the Fall.. plus 60 hours I have to make up from the summer. *joyous* :) Overall, it will be worth it because I will only have my student teaching then- and then in "essence" I'll experience the easiest, most rewarding school semester ever.. NEXT YEAR! And best of all, my brother will be home!!! <3

Here's a picture from earlier this year. My cutie pie 2nd cousins got to stay a whole week with us. :) It was a wonderful time to have the. Unfortunately, the reason we went down there was because my great Aunt died- however, all is well. :) because she's in a better place....

AND WITHOUT FURTHER ADO... I CANNOT WAIT FOR 2 WEEKS FROM NOW.. when I will get to see my favorite friends in the world! :) <3

Oh yeah!! We got to see a 50's doowop band the other day! It was a blast, unfortunately I don't have any pictures myself- however it was fun- and there was great music! :) Here's one to share in honor of my Auntie that died.!

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