Saturday, September 26, 2015

What Happened When I Left a Poem On a Bench

Such an interesting situation
I left a poem on the bench
For someone to read, a particular someone
I wrote about them in my poem
Now I see him, the one I wrote about
Coming close to the bench where I left my poem

My goodness 
I can't believe it
The one I wrote the poem for 
is sitting
right there.
Next to my poem. 

All of a sudden I cant take it any longer
The suspense of wondering
Did He read it?
He's not even looking at it.
He put it beside him.

Now a familiar face wanders near the bench
One I've met before
She has a child
Her child enjoys my dogs 
They visit often
So I think about this all quickly in my head

I want the young man to read my poem
I ponder
Of course
I'll talk to the one I know
the one with the child
in her hands
I walk over awkwardly say hello
and tell her how I wrote a poem
About the young man sitting behind her
Playing Guitar
She says what.?
She clearly doesn't understand
I stumble through my words
But I sound worse and worse
So I decide to excuse myself from the situation

I walk to the young man playing guitar
I look him in the eye
and ask did you read that
He says no, I just set it over here
I say oh okay
Then I stumble on my words and say
Well you are in it
He looks at me confused 
What he asks
I wrote about you in my poem
So you should read it I say
Okay he says
I ask him who he lives with
his family, his host family
He's from Michigan he lives with a host mom and dad
He is here to play for the school of worship
Living Light.
I stand amazed.
My hands violently swing back and my mouth widens in surprise
I'm going there tomorrow!
For the very first time.
I stand in utter .. shock.
Good shock.
But shock.

Was this meant to be? 
Apparently because it happened.
Happened all too strangely.
All too wonderfully.
12 years here and I've never met a stranger
Whom I've had the audacity to approach 
And now this stranger that I approach
Is really not a stranger after all. 

Shock. Utter Shock. Reality.

The Place Where I Live 

Glancing around me
I notice the sway of grass
Blowing slightly in the wind
Seven sparrows sitting in a tree
Chirping the evening melodies 
The sturdy maple standing upright
Dark green streaks lining the center of each green leaf
Another maple stands firm in the distance
Topped with cherry red leaves
Beautiful splendor of color
My eyes can scarce take in
I look up again and see the birds
Fluttering around in and out of circles
Until I cannot see them again from my view
These bits of nature are a gift
I didn't ask them to be here 
But they are here for my pleasant delight
Each afternoon 

There's some nature I keep at home
My two white dogs
Eskimos with fluffed hair
Digging holes in the ground
They dig and dig
Dirt flings through the air
Should I yell at them I wonder?
Yet I keep my peace
They didn't ask to live here.

Why don't I yell at the birds of the air I wonder
Or the squirrels running past my gate?
Yet, I am considering to raise my voice to my very own dog.
The one nature did not ask to take home.
So, I'll let them dig. and dig. and dig.
Until, maybe they find their home too. 

A funny coincidence in life 
We want to yell at the things we love best.
Why we demand such extremes from them, 
that nature itself does not request.
Sit back, I say to myself. 
Enjoy the life here, 
for if nature did not bring you here
And there my thoughts violently stop
As I scramble inside the house
to wave my towel at the smoke alarm
begging it to please shut off
My ears now assaulted with highest pitch
I wander outside to watch the sites once again
As soon as I sit down the alarm sounds again
.. happens three times.
Then as I'm frolicking around the house 
Waving my hands in the air like an alien on earth
A young man walks through the park 
Behind my house 
With a guitar
Playing melodies
I look at myself 
I look like an alien
That's what I tell myself
So, I join him from far away
as I listen to his music
as he plays so peacefully
Until once again my heart palpitates out of control
to hear the alarm buzzing again.
I pick up the phone 
to yell at my dad for leaving the oven on 
to clean
and clean
while the house smells burnt
He didn't answer
The young man is called Zack. 
I know because his mother called him
He runs back home, down the gravel path. 
My neck now hurts, my ears assaulted, my thoughts diminished
Nature can I still look to you
I look around
There's my dogs.
The birds, I see flying from tree to tree.
The geese I hear from far away.
I look to the West to see the sun slowly setting.
Clouds strike the sky with white array. 
My eyes adjust, my head adjusts
Nature you aren't too far away. 

Even So Come

Saturday, September 19, 2015

My Lemon Trees

At the beginning of this summer, my younger friend Courtney & I decided to go to the store.. buy organic lemons.. make delicious lemonade.. and one more step.. grow lemon trees!!! :)
The process is really quite simple. First you need to make sure you have the correct soil- it's a mulchy type of soil- you can find out the right type online if you search on how to grow a lemon tree from a seed.. but basically you are supposed to plant the seed right away.. that means as soon as you take it out of the lemon.. you are supposed to plant it.. but because of the sweet sour flavors the lemon has, you are actually supposed to suck on the seed for a while- and then remove it from your mouth and plant it right into the soil. :)
It takes a little while for a sprout to come up..mine came up within 2 weeks!! Now it's been about 3 months and this beautiful lemon tree has blossomed! :) It's getting too cold out now to leave it outside (I saw a dead leaf fall from it) so I need to bring it in for the Fall/Winter/ & most of Spring time. It's going to be it's first non-summer months ever.. so hopefully it'll last in the house.
I have two large lemon trees growing and the tiny sprout one!!! :)

The Complete Making of Blueberry Rooibos Tea

The Complete Making of Blueberry Rooibos Tea

Elderberries, hibiscus, currant, blueberries

Emits a fragrance sweet and tangy

Berries picked fresh so they can be dried

Delightful berries are these

Loosely blended together as they await in solitude

Until one opens the lid which unleashes the delightful smell

Once again


Breathe deeply into the aroma for the second time

As the ingredients are poured into a white filter

Berries fading smell linger there in the filter

Awaiting the adventure that will unleash their fragrant scent

Here comes the pot full of tepid water

Water pours over the four dried berries

The berries once delightful

Now look dreadful

Hot water sears before being unleashed into the filter

Pouring out atop the berries

Water now falls into the pot


Alas, the third and final time

Odoriferous heavenly scent embellishes the surrounding air

Elderberries, hibiscus, currant, blueberries

Such sweet aroma mixed complete with sugar

I stand above the pot and breathe again

---I inhale---




The smell of ambrosial flavors enter into my lungs

Breathing out I reach for the pot

And there I pour my afternoon drink

Elderberries, hibiscus, currant, and blueberries.

This poem I submitted for my poetry class. We are sort of working on writing "externally" so that's what I kind of tried to do.. but I just wrote it up pretty quickly.. let me know what you think. It's kind of different trying to "write" poetry; I usually only write when I'm inspired. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Come As You Are

:) Thanks to Free Speech

How beautiful is this?
To have a space to write..
that is not infiltrated with things that are not your own. 

I'm happy to have a blog- it reflects my thoughts and a lot of my life.

School is such a riot. I can't believe some of the things they make us read in school and you wonder why the earth is so polluted? I don't understand why we read things that are so horrible. I tell you, English classes can be so disturbing. I wonder why they think it's great to talk about horrible things? Well, all I say is...

3 months. :) YAY!!!

And what's great is that looking back ...

This will all be a memory :)

I guess as I am finishing college now, I can see my mom's request for me going to a Christian college. Yeah, I think that would have been an awesome idea, but I know that God took me down the path he did for a reason. I've had experiences and conversations like no other.. and I can be a light in a dark place- it's really Jesus being the light because without him I'd be as dark as night so I praise Jesus. :)

Friday, September 4, 2015

Clean Mind Clean life

I wanted to tell you something.

When you have a clean mind and a clear mind.. it's so easy to have a clean and clear life.

Let me explain,

This of all should be the busiest time of my life so far- well, it's actually so simply easy I cannot tell you. Now granted, I just started, but still... so easy.

Which leads me to believe this, that when you have a clean mind and a clear mind, you can think easily, respond quickly, and inspire and be inspired greatly. :)

This is just a reminder for those of you out there struggling with the times and craziness of life.. just stop worrying about those things that drive you crazy (worrying doesn't solve anything) and be proactive and productive. DO what you can, but DON'T do what isn't necessary.

Just relax, and trust in the peace of God to cover your mind and heart.