Wednesday, September 16, 2015

:) Thanks to Free Speech

How beautiful is this?
To have a space to write..
that is not infiltrated with things that are not your own. 

I'm happy to have a blog- it reflects my thoughts and a lot of my life.

School is such a riot. I can't believe some of the things they make us read in school and you wonder why the earth is so polluted? I don't understand why we read things that are so horrible. I tell you, English classes can be so disturbing. I wonder why they think it's great to talk about horrible things? Well, all I say is...

3 months. :) YAY!!!

And what's great is that looking back ...

This will all be a memory :)

I guess as I am finishing college now, I can see my mom's request for me going to a Christian college. Yeah, I think that would have been an awesome idea, but I know that God took me down the path he did for a reason. I've had experiences and conversations like no other.. and I can be a light in a dark place- it's really Jesus being the light because without him I'd be as dark as night so I praise Jesus. :)


  1. That is so true. People at a Christian College don't need as much saving. God brought us here, so that we could mentor people into the Christian life. I'm so excited for you, that you're graduating so soon! :)

  2. That is so true. People at a Christian College don't need as much saving. God brought us here, so that we could mentor people into the Christian life. I'm so excited for you, that you're graduating so soon! :)
