It's so amazing knowing that I serve and worship and love a God that cares for each and every one of my needs. Even the small things that make you embarrassed to admit or talk about in front of other people, Jesus is there- listening without judgement and ready to act when we call on his name. I was sitting here this evening, just thinking about how I really wanted to go to church- but I didn't want to sit alone. So, as I sat here, I prayed to God and said, "God, if you want me to go to church, then have someone text me, and then I'll know I should go" and within seconds after finishing that prayer- my phone lit up with a text and it was one of my friend's asking if I was going to church because she wanted someone to sit next to. It's amazing. Time and time again, I see my individual needs answered by God. I know God could do things much greater than I ask for, what I ask for, I even consider small, but in God's eyes he loves us so much that He does whatever He can to show us how great he loves us. That's what is truly amazing about our God. I've really learned to ask bold requests, because God answers them. I just have to get to the point where I can trust Him for bigger things- I know He's ready to give them- but I have to be ready to receive them.
That is so cool that God answered your prayer for someone to sit with at church. It really is amazing how much God demonstrates His love to us in so many ways. Thank you for this reminder of His goodness and grace.