Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Update on Life! :)

Good Morning All! J Wake up and smell the fresh popping cranberries!

 Today, after being many inspired of great cranberry facts and stories, I decided to make some delicious cranberry sauce! I didn't realize how exciting, fun and easy making cranberry sauce could be!

1 Cup Water
1 Cup Sugar ---- Put in a pot and boil-
Then pour in the cranberries..wait until they all pop!
And then... stir stir - and let sit until cool and refrigerate!
And last.... Tadah! The beautiful cranberry sauce!!!
On a funnier and also sad note.... our basement freezer got unplugged and a ton of our meat/bread was ruined! My parents thought they might be able to save some and cook it, but being leery of food poisoning- they decided to just give it the dogs as snacks- here's what our house was like for a while though:
And this was the meat we just thought we might be able to save, we had to throw away a lot of other meat.. turkey... pork.. a huge ham. It was quite the riot!!!
Here's my cute mama and me! And tomorrow my brother is coming home from Uganda! Woo-hoo! :)
School is officially over; 9 classes..24 credits down the drain!!! This picture is of roses- I sent it to my grandpa for his baptism. I was inspired to draw it because I had this beautiful dream one night and I was driving through a beautiful area and every tree had pink roses and they were all falling to the ground and they were everywhere... I found out my grandpa loves roses so I sent him this picture.
Here's a picture of me at the mall- my mom and I did a bit of Black Friday shopping, but we didn't go out until later on. :)
And here's my dog to say goodnight to you all.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Sparkly text YAY

Today I learned how to run/record a macro all by myself (and via help of the internet); and I was able to find this AWESOME text I used to write with all the time… IT HAS SPARKLES!!!!!!!!!!!!! J It was an exciting adventure…. Guess I know a little more about computer science than I thought. ;D !!!!! However; the only downside is.. that I don't know how to carry it over to other documents like this blogpost for example.

Here's the macro: :)

Sub AnimateFont()
 Dim sAnimation As String
     If Len(Selection.Range) = 0 Then
         MsgBox "Select text first!", vbCritical, "No Text Selected"
         Exit Sub
     End If
     sAnimation = InputBox("Which animation? Enter the number: " & vbCr & _
                           " 1. Blinking Background" & vbCr & _
                           " 2. Las Vegas Lights" & vbCr & _
                           " 3. Marching Black Ants" & vbCr & _
                           " 4. Marching Red Ants" & vbCr & _
                           " 5. Shimmer" & vbCr & _
                           " 6. Sparkle Text" & vbCr & _
                           " 0. None", "Font animation")
     Select Case sAnimation
         Case 1: Selection.Font.Animation = wdAnimationBlinkingBackground
         Case 2: Selection.Font.Animation = wdAnimationLasVegasLights
         Case 3: Selection.Font.Animation = wdAnimationMarchingBlackAnts
         Case 4: Selection.Font.Animation = wdAnimationMarchingRedAnts
         Case 5: Selection.Font.Animation = wdAnimationShimmer
         Case 6: Selection.Font.Animation = wdAnimationSparkleText
         Case 0: Selection.Font.Animation = wdAnimationNone
         Case Else:
     End Select
 End Sub

These are my favorite words to a particular song called "Your Words". :)

Your words bring us

love that never fails

Everything else will fade away

But your words

Here's the video in case you want to hear the whole song:)